tws: dehumanisation/torture/suicidal themes

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Fundy. Fuckin aphobe17FlowersYOU
people who call me a muggle. die7'4" (real)WOMENchickens
dreamthe best at everythingaxoltoldream

story so far

On September 2021, the original o!Tommy account was made! Now it's suspended on Twitter, and Tommy's moved to Tumblr. It's mostly because he can tell people to **** themselves peacefully there.

Most people get along peacefully around the pub, and there wasn't much incident. The most notable thing would be o!Fundy's and o!Tommy's apparent disdain for each other. Brothers <3

This is also around the time when Tommy met a few Twitter friends, most notably Parnel the Chef (his beloved), Crandy, and the Axolotl Daily account.

The first incident is when Tommy gets lost in a cave. Instead of being smart, he keeps walking around to find the exit, eventually getting himself stuck in a little crevice. Ranboo and Tubbo manage to find him, and he gets sentenced to bed rest after he catches a cold from being down there for so long.

Notably, this is the first instance where Ranboo's cloak is introduced as a way to calm Tommy down. Tommy also references this instance when he explains his claustrophobia later on.

After a few months of hiatus, Tommy mentions that he "just gets really tired in the winter". This was inferred to be because of hibernation- despite him being a chicken- and was later confirmed that he adopted the survival habits of the hybrids around him.

Regardless, Tommy woke up, and immediately took to Twitter again. There, he finds out that Tubbo has gone missing, Wilbur opened a potion shop, and Fundy wants to fuck his dad. Very upsetting times indeed.

Tommy meets an individual named "Dream" on Twitter after he laments on the idea of him not being a good friend. The two hit it off instantly- kinda. Dream's weird and really harsh, but that's just because he cares, right? So Tommy agrees to meet up, where he learns a pretty damning lesson: don't trust strangers on the internet.

Now without wings after Dream cut them off, Tommy spends his time in Ranboo's cave, who had helped him get away from Dream after a conversation in Enderian.

The first time he comes out is when he, Ranboo, and Wilbur go to Dream's tent with the promise of getting his wings back. They argue, argue some more, and then go round and round, but eventually, Wilbur reaches a deal: if the three of them promise to answer all of Dream's questions, then Tommy will get his wings back by the end of the week.

"getting enough love is hard, y'know? because you'll always want more. it's horribly stupid, but then again, is the pain in your chest ever stupid? i mean, it knows what you want more than your brain wants you to believe..."

Eventually, the end of the week comes, and it's Fundy that accompanies him this time. Tommy's wings are regrown, and he is put out of commission for the next few days.

After that, though, Tommy and Fundy have a sleep over, in which they eat petrol flavoured ice cream. :)

Wilbur and Dream also make a deal to isolate Tommy in a small room for 24 hours, without any sort of contact with another person. He does, in fact, have chronic clingyness. There is no cure :(.

It is also worth mentioning that Tommy experiences the side effects of his body ripping itself apart and molding itself back together. In lamemans terms, he has a fever. At least he has crackerman.

Ranboo gets held under Dream's care, and Tommy helps vwoop get out of there with Fundy. He ends up spending the next few days looking after his friend before Fundy pins him to the floor and forces him to take a healing potion and sleep off his fever.

Wilbur goes a little silly around this time, becoming partners with Dream. He and Tommy get into a fight about it, which leads into a fight with Fundy after moun forgives Wilbur almost immediately.

This fight doesn't last long, because Wilbur ends up snapping, and Tommy is left wingless once more.

However, instead of Tommy getting his wings back, he's used as a test subject for Dream. Every 24 hours, he changes origins, which is both incredibly painful and incredibly disorientating. Not to mention the other experiments- i.e. what happens to a phantom when they burn, or what happens to a blaze when they touch water. It didn't make minecraft 1000% funnier :(

"is it really stupid to want to be loved?"

Eventually, though, Tommy gets out of there... as an inchling. Niki ends up killing Dream, which leaves him without a clue as to how to use the orb of origin. He reads into it- as best as he can, being small- and with Fundy's help, he ends up figuring out how to use the orb. He also ends up figuring out that Dream is his brother. Not iconic.

A few weeks later, Wilbur and Tommy get into another fight about fucking Sootcest. i hate gay people.

He ends up getting upset when Wilbur reveals that he was planning on leaving to go to a completely different world for his love interest, and Tommy asks Wilbur if he'll ever be good enough for them. Despite the answer, Tommy decides that no, he'll never be good enough.

After this, Tommy takes the orb that he had gotten from Dream's tent after the whole ordeal, and ends up making friends with Dream's ghost. After this, he kills himself, and revives Dream using a loophole he found in the orb.

Before he can be revived, though, Ghost Tommy in it is created, with two memories: the memories in which he hated himself, and the memories in which he loved others- which both memories tended to overlap.

Fundy and him get into yet another fight, but it ends with Fundy apologising, which causes Ghost Tommy in it to complete his unfinished business: being loved.

Tommy is revived, and just in time for his birthday too. :)

ABOVEAVIANBOY's account gets suspended on 4/11/2022 after he told Fundy that he hates gay people and to **** himself after snow made a deez nuts joke, on grounds of "targetted harassment".

"because you can't love a dead thing, silly! you can only mourn it."